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Our school canteen is called the Cold Crunch Café and provides a menu with a priority of balanced and nutritious lunch and snack options at a reasonable cost for the students of Corpus Christi.

The canteen follows the NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy. This government initiative labels three groups of foods:

  • Red – occasional - do not serve these foods more than once each term
  • Amber - select carefully - these foods are not to dominate the menu
  • Green - fill the menu with these foods

A menu and price list is published at the beginning of each year. Any price increases or changes in the menu are notified in the school newsletter and COMPASS app.

The canteen is currently open four days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) per week of the school year, except for the final week of Term 4 or as noted in the newsletter. It is run by a committee of parents elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Parents and Friends Association. While the Canteen does not operate for profits, it does draw some for the purposes of purchasing equipment and maintaining canteen facilities.  

The daily running of the canteen depends completely on volunteers and we always need helping hands to serve on the canteen. A monthly roster is drawn up well in advance so volunteers know what day they are required, which is usually once a month. The “canteen day” starts at 9.00am and is usually completed by 11.30pm.